A photo of Julie Withrow, the host of the Exceptional Girls podcast.

Exceptional Girls Podcast Host, Julie Withrow

“I’m on a mission to shorten the learning curve for other families by increasing awareness of neurodivergence in females, who are all too often misdiagnosed, misunderstood, or missed entirely.”

Julie Withrow, host of the Exceptional Girls podcast

About your host, Julie Withrow

As the mom of a neurodivergent, twice-exceptional (2e) teenage daughter, I’ve experienced the ups and downs of helping my smart-but-struggling girl navigate school, friendships, and family dynamics. Finally figuring out her unique wiring was a game-changer for her and for our relationship. But it took 15 years, and that’s way too long.

There’s a growing number of resources about neurodiversity out there. Yet, while it’s generally agreed that cognitive and brain wiring differences present differently in girls and women, I’ve yet to find a comprehensive resource dedicated specifically to the female neurodivergent experience. My hope is that this podcast can begin to fill that void.

You’re invited to learn with me as I interview experts in neurodiversity, education, and parenting. You’ll also hear my and others’ personal experiences of what it’s like to raise a girl who’s smart but struggles with social norms, perfectionism, anxiety, and more. And you can listen in on candid conversations with my teenage daughter about what’s working for us. . . and what isn’t.

Join me as we learn together how we can help our exceptional girls be seen, supported, and celebrated.